What is cognitive behavioral therapy?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy – commonly known as CBT – is a type of psychotherapy that’s been found to be effective for a wide range of health conditions, from depression and anxiety to chronic pain, and more.

The core teaching of CBT is that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are interconnected. Often, the way we interpret or think about situations can make us feel worse than we already do. CBT helps us identify these unhelpful thinking patterns and change them when necessary.

CBT for social anxiety also has a behavioral component. Often, those of us with social anxiety tend to avoid situations that make us feel anxious. CBT challenges us to directly face our fears so that we can start to overcome them.

Screenshot of the Alena app, showing the four cognitive processes of social anxiety: Rumination, Attention, Avoidance and Beliefs.


Purple graphic of a woman holding her hands to her chest as through she's delighted.
  • At Alena, our therapy is developed from the research-based Clark & Wells model of social anxiety. According to this model, people who experience social anxiety hold certain assumptions about the world. We might have thoughts like:

    “I need to perform perfectly in every social situation.”

    “Everyone is judging me.”

    “Everyone can tell how nervous I am.”

    These assumptions, or mental patterns, may cause you to engage in safety behaviors. You might avoid going to social gatherings altogether to avoid feeling anxious. You might also depend on other behaviors like using alcohol or avoiding eye contact to feel safe.

    CBT helps people change thoughts and behaviors that may be contributing to social anxiety. It also gives you the tools to identify social anxiety triggers and cope with uncomfortable feelings.

    Read our blog for more information on how CBT can support you.

  • Alena is an innovative app that has brings the science of CBT for social anxiety to your fingertips. When you play our neuroscience-based games, Alena will assess your specific triggers, interpretations, and behaviors that are related to social anxiety. This will let us know which areas you need to concentrate on as part of your CBT process.

    The Alena CBT course is broken down into five interactive online modules, each of which will take you through important skills you need to conquer social anxiety.

    We recommend that you use the Alena app for 15 minutes a day, every day, for a month to see results.

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  • The Alena app teaches you important CBT skills that help you manage social anxiety, including:

    • Mindfulness

    • Cognitive restructuring

    • Behavioral exposures

    • Problem-solving

    • Shifting focus

    • And more!

    Get early access

  • CBT isn’t a magic pill that you can take once and watch your social anxiety disappear for good.

    Rather, it’s a practice that needs to be incorporated into your life every day. As long as you practice your CBT skills, you will continue to see results – even in the long term. You may need CBT skills more often on some days than on others. But, there is no time limit to CBT; it works for as long as you use it.

  • Unlike other mental health treatments, you don’t need any type of referral to sign up for the Alena app. You can start receiving 24/7 support for social anxiety immediately from the comfort of your own home.

    Get early access

  • Social anxiety impacts millions of people around the world. It’s valid to feel alone – but it’s also important to know that you are not alone, and you don’t need to go through this on your own.

    Our social anxiety community is a safe space that’s made up of people who understand how you’re feeling. You can use the community how you want; some people share every day, while others simply receive comfort from reading about others’ experiences. It’s 100% in your hands.

    Join our safe and confidential social anxiety community.

Try personalised CBT with Alena