Alena’s Self-Guided Program

This webpage contains content from Alena’s Social Anxiety programme. This is made available for you to use for information purposes only, and is not a medical advice or a medical treatment. This page is not actively updated or monitored. Full disclaimer below.

Please seek professional medical advice if you are struggling with social anxiety symptoms.

Level 1
Learn how to identify key drivers of social anxiety and understand how they affect you

Start your journey by defining your goals and understanding your social anxiety in real world situations

πŸ“ Are you ready?
This exercise will help you reflect on your readiness to start the journey of overcoming social anxiety and find the motivation to make a commitment to yourself.

πŸ“ Map our your social anxiety
Learn how to use the Social Anxiety Map, an evidence based tool to help you make sense of your social anxiety response. This exercise is designed to be used for specific situations in which you have felt socially anxious, and you can repeat it as many times as you’d like.

πŸ”Š How does Alena work?
Learn more about Alena's unique approach, which combines evidence-based treatment with cutting-edge neuroscience assessments. In a randomized controlled trial, Alena’s app-based treatment led to a significant improvement in social anxiety in just 4 weeks.4) What is social anxiety?

πŸ”Š What is social anxiety?
This audio explainer is an overview of social anxiety. You will learn how common it is, how it is not the same as shyness or introversion, and the symptoms to look out for.

πŸ“ Finish introduction
Test your knowledge of the module's key concepts and reflect on your personal achievements


πŸ”Š What are Beliefs?
Introductory session on understanding core and conditional beliefs.

πŸ“ Balance a Belief
Exercise aimed at balancing conditional beliefs with positive evidence.

πŸ“ Explore a New Perspective
Uses storytelling to show different perspectives on the same situation.

πŸ“ Finish Beliefs
Review what you’ve learned in this module


πŸ”Š What is Self Attention?
Explains the concept of self-focused attention in social anxiety.

πŸ”Š Immersive Attentional Shift Experience
Audio session to experience shifting attention from self to external focus.

πŸ”Š Listening Attention Training
Practice session for redirecting attention to auditory stimuli.

πŸ“ Finish Attention
Review what you’ve learned in this module


πŸ”Š What is rumination?
Introduction to the concept of rumination and its role in social anxiety.

πŸ“ Learn to Stop Negative Thoughts
Techniques for interrupting and redirecting negative thought patterns.

πŸ“ Identifying Memory Bias & Challenge Your Memory Bias
Exercises for identifying and challenging biases in memory related to rumination.

πŸ“ Finish Rumination
Review what you’ve learned in this module


πŸ”Š What is Avoidance?
Explains avoidance behaviors and their impact on social anxiety.

πŸ“ Identify a Safety Behaviour
Helps you to identify and understand your safety behaviors.

πŸ“ Challenge a Safety Behaviour
Helps you to challenge and modify your safety behaviors.

πŸ“ Finish Avoidance
Review what you’ve learned in this module

Level 2
Put your skills into practice and be prepared for reChallenge a Safety Behavioural life situations

Introduction II
Build your exposure hierarchy

πŸ”Š How to put your skills into practice
In Level II, Alena will guide you through confronting your social anxiety in real-world situations, taking a gradual and secure approach.

πŸ“ Build an exposure hierarchy
In this exercise you build an exposure hierarchy that helps you to select the appropriate situations for your exposure experiments later on.

πŸ“ Map out your social anxiety
Use the Social Anxiety Map, an evidence based tool to help you make sense of your social anxiety response.

πŸ“ Finish Introduction II
Test your knowledge of the module’s key concepts and reflect on your personal achievements.

Attention II
Strengthen your focus on others

πŸ”Š Applying it to your life
This audio explainer will help you review what you have learned about self-attention and how to apply it to your life.

πŸ“ Practice shifting your attention II
In this exercise, you will further strengthen your skills of shifting your attention. You can select from an easy and harder option, both require you to speak out loud. This exercise will prepare you one step closer to shifting your attention in real life.

πŸ“ Put it into practice
Put your new learnings into practice and start changing your social anxiety patterns.

πŸ“ Reflect on your experiment
This reflection exercise will help you learn from your experiment and identify the most helpful next steps for you, in a non-judgemental and supportive way.

πŸ“ Finish Attention II
Test your knowledge of the module's key concepts and reflect on your personal achievements

Beliefs II
Put your beliefs to the test with guided thought experiments that can help you view the world in a more positive light

πŸ”Š Applying it to your life
In this audio explainer you'll learn how to start setting up experiments to start changing your beliefs in real life.

πŸ“ Identify and challenge a negative belief II
In Level 1 you laid the groundwork in understanding how negative beliefs can drive your social anxiety. Now let's build on this, by learning a technique to challenge more difficult beliefs

πŸ”Š Spot your cognitive distortions
In this audio, you will hear about four different types of cognitive distortions. They are automatic, often negative thoughts that can significantly impact how we feel and behave in social situations.

πŸ“ Put it into practice
Put your new learnings into practice and start changing your social anxiety patterns.

πŸ“ Reflect on your experiment
This reflection exercise will help you learn from your experiment and identify the most helpful next steps for you, in a non-judgemental and supportive way.

πŸ“ Finish Beliefs
Test your knowledge of the module's key concepts and reflect on your personal achievements

Rumination II
Break free from overthinking with guided thought experiments, helping put you in control of your thought patterns after social events

πŸ”Š Applying it to your life
This audio explainer will recap what you have learned about rumination and give you some helpful tips for how to ruminate less.

πŸ“ Identify and challenge a negative memory II
Strengthen your skills in this thought-experiment to challenge a more difficult memory bias. It's a safe space for practicing skills before real-life exposure.

πŸ“ Put it into practice
Put your new learnings into practice and start changing your social anxiety patterns.

πŸ“ Reflect on your experiment
This reflection exercise will help you learn from your experiment and identify the most helpful next steps for you, in a non-judgemental and supportive way.

πŸ“ Finish Rumination II
Test your knowledge of the module's key concepts and reflect on your personal achievements

Avoidance II
Start to see an impact in real life with guided gradual exposure experiments, helping unlock more of life's social opportunities

πŸ”Š Applying it to your life
This audio explainer will help you celebrate your progress, review what you have learned about avoidance, and learn how you can continue to grow your confidence.

πŸ“ Identify and challenge a safety behaviour II
In Level 1 you laid the groundwork regarding safety behaviors and their impact on your social anxiety. Now let's build on this, by going deeper into one of your safety behaviors

πŸ”Š Learn strategies to drop your safety behaviour
In this audio explainer, you will learn about three strategies you can use to cope with your social anxiety.

πŸ“ Putting it into practice
Put your new learnings into practice and start changing your social anxiety patterns.

πŸ“ Reflect on your experiment
This reflection exercise will help you learn from your experiment and identify the most helpful next steps for you, in a non-judgemental and supportive way.

πŸ“ Finish Avoidance II
Test your knowledge of the module's key concepts and reflect on your personal achievements

Full terms
β€’ This content is made available to you for informational purposes only. This content is not a treatment for social anxiety disorder and no claims are made about the safety or efficacy of the information provided on this webpage.
β€’ It is made available to you for personal, non-commercial use, and is self-guided. No clinical support will be provided alongside this content. If you require clinical support please speak to a mental health professional.
β€’ It is made available for you at your own risk. If you believe you are suffering from social anxiety disorder please seek professional mental health support before using this content or other self-help tools to treat mental health conditions.
β€’ If you believe this content is causing you any negative side effects you must stop using it and seek assistance from a mental health professional immediately.

Program content was originally provided by Aya Technologies Ltd under Creative Commons licence CC BY-NC 4.0